Merci Beaucoup!

Cilla: Wow...Combeferre and I have so many people to thank...without whom we wouldn't be here today...

Combeferre: All right, all right, this isn't an Oscar acceptance speech! Get on with it.

Cilla: All right then...Thank you so much, Lauren, for giving me the idea and the encouragement to start my own site. Without that I probably wouldn't have given it a second thought...

Combeferre: And thank you to, making this possible...

Cilla: And thank you, CNET, and their lovely HTML for Beginners site...

Combeferre: And thank you to for the pretty hit counter, et al...

Cilla: And thank you to Veronikitty, whose awesome Cats/Les Mis parody got me introduced to and hooked on Les Mis in the first place!

Combeferre: *sniff* And thanks to Maman, and Father, and...

Cilla: Hey, wait a minute, how did your parents help my site to get built?! I should be thanking my parents!

Combeferre: Well, all right then...Thank you so much, all of you!

Cilla: And everyone who visits the site. And Abby, through whom we were able to haul the whole mess over to the beautiful! Thanks!

Home for the holidays...